Dangers Of High Heels

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There are so many women who cannot or will not refrain from wearing those beautiful high heel shoes. But so often they are so uncomfortable. And unfortunately many women are willing to put up with the pain.

The reality is that many women who wear high heels are doing real harm to themselves in various ways, which we will discuss here. A doctor stated that the damage that high heels do to a person is not only related to the feet. He realized that high heels cause the foot to be at an angle that creates pulling and causes muscles to be outrageously out of alignment. This is serious. Thus the reality is that problems are not only related to the feet when a woman chooses to wear high heels on a regular basis.

Note that the plantar fascia that is located in the foot is attached to the calf muscle. And the calf muscle is attached to the hamstring. The hamstrings are connected to the pelvis and to the lower back. This is the reason why when a woman wears high heels, she can experience not only aching feet, but also pain in the back. Note that that this partly occurs due to the face that when a woman walks on the balls of her feet in her high heels, the center of gravity is shifted forward, which forces the woman to arch her back when standing. This adds to even more back paid.

A study has been conducted which found that when a woman continues to wear high heels for a prolonged period of time, eventually her muscles which surround the area of the ankles become weakened and she experiences instability. This is due to the fact that the muscles in that area are required to constantly contract to keep the woman in an upright position when she is walking.

Damage is caused to the ankles, because the foot is forced into an unstable position in the high heel shoes. But when women wear flat shoes, the ankles bones are properly aligned below the bones of the lower leg, which creates the needed stability to support the person with relative ease when standing and walking. When women wear high heels, over time there will be the presence of nerve damage and ligament damage in the ankles, which then unfortunately also leads to unwanted problems with the legs and back.

There have been studies that show that women who are too stubborn to give up wearing their glamorous high heels are experiencing damage to their toes, are experiencing shortened calves, have muscle fatigue and some even have incurred osteoarthritis. Some have noticed that their posture has also been altered and not in a good way. And the sad thing is that women will put up with these problems to keep on wearing their high heels.

High heels do not provide the right amount of shock absorption the way that regular shoes do. A woman’s feet also are hindered from being able to naturally rotate when she is walking, since the feet are forced to maintain a straight, unbending position in the high heel shoes. The result is that there is pain in the ankles, feet and even in the knees. After a long day of wearing heels, it is no surprise that joints feel stiff and are painful.

When a woman’s feet are pushed into shoes which are too tight or that force the feet into shapes that not natural, such as high heel shoes that have pointy toes, pressure is created on the sides of the feet and toes. As time passes, the rubbing and pushing of the shoes can produce a hardening of the skin. In the winter, this may not seem like all that much of a deal. But when spring and summer arrive, it can be embarrassing to wear sandals that would otherwise reveal unsightly calluses on the feet.

Did you know that wearing high heels can even cause the Achilles tendon to become shortened? This is really a worrisome side effect related to the ongoing wearing of high heels. The shortening of the Achilles tendon occurs, because the heel is in a lifted position and can cause a physiological change to the muscles and tendons that surround the ankles. Then when the person is barefoot or wears flat shoes, there can be immense pain and uncomfortable stretching.

When women wear heels as a standard addition to their wardrobe each day, then their feet can experience a lack of cushioning, This is because the body’s full weight is transferred to the ball of the foot and the heel is engaged only in balancing the body, but not taking weight, which then can cause the padding on the ball of the toe to wear away. In fact, some women get Botox injected into their feet because of this problem. This adds padding and makes wearing heels more bearable. When women experience a lack of cushioning, it can be quite painful.

When a woman is wearing flat shoes, her weight then is evenly distributed between the ball of the foot and the heel, which means that there is not much pressure on the ankle at all. But the reality is that high heels cause much imbalance in relation to the heel and the ball of the foot, which force the ankle to take on the weight of the entire body. Naturally it only stands to reason that ankles are not structured for this purpose. This means that all too frequently falls and sprained ankles can happen when women are wearing high heels.

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